Cenocracy: A New Government Perspective
Calling All Communists and Socialists
page 28


The human species, while having been born and bred to live in an environment which has subjected it to the long-term solar irradiation effects which have/are following a one (non-existence/existence), two (night/day), three (dawn-noon-dusk) and three-to-one sequence (the "three" are fusing into one) due to the once accelerated but not slowing Earth's rotation rate; to which all life forms have been subjected and react to within the constraints of their physiology (anatomical, biological, chemical) with which their world uses both as a prism and surface of reflection, refraction and absorption... we must acknowledge that protests are, in general, dispositions reflecting two-based— or binary perspective with which to derive their purposeful directions.

In other words, though we of today have more information with greater complexity available to us for consideration, protestors generally encapsulate (embrace) a two-patterned (conflict) orientation without the expressed descriptiveness used by Marx, Engels and their philosophical advocates; though differences in opinion about specifics abounded. The conflict-based formulas of protest are a behavioral expression of long-term exposure to the night/day solar sequencing caused by an incrementally slowing rotation rate of the Sun which presents life-forms with the occurrence of a three-based dawn-noon-dusk impression that is evident in Hegel's three-based syllogistic formula known as the "dialectical" (language articulated) Thesis- Antithesis- Synthesis... though this pattern of conjecture alone does not accurately portray the multiple three-patterned forms which can arise by the solar influence thereby creating the occasions of alternative cognitive orientations such as in the pattern "Major Premise- Minor Premise- Conclusion", along with other formulas that do not readily express either a synthesis or conclusion; since they portray what appear to be an open-ended sequence such as when we write 1,2,3..., A,B,C..., Yes, No, Maybe, etc...

As a perceived and defined imperfect species, humanity (for one reason or another), seeks some projected image of perfection, though personal efforts for some semblance thereof may cause a person to seek to give themselves and/or others the perception of perfection in alternative forms such as mental prowess, wit, or other facility..., physical agility, stamina, endurance, flexibility..., that may be identified with words such as being wealthy, talented, the toughest, the fastest, the smartest, a Saint, Sinner, Genius, Compassionate, etc... All of which are variations of a measure directed towards a presumed perfection. It is an environmentally-influenced— physiologically fashioned— cognitive orientation giving one form of this structure in the concept of (a) God... a presumed perfect being that has supposedly chosen humanity to lead the way for a presumed purpose, yet some described as a projection of humanity's own ego-centricity which has chosen different forms to reveal itself. This idea of a perfect god is similarly attached with various attributes that can be amalgamated into two-patterned ideas such that despite all the perceived bad taking place in the world, their is a god-ordained good reason for all of it.

Nonetheless, what is overlooked is the sequence of a singular (one) god, aligned with an array of various two-patterned associated ideas (good/bad, right/wrong, saint/sinner, moral/immoral, etc...), set sometimes into the context of a three-patterned logic (father-son-holy ghost, Brahma-Vishnu-Siva, two extremes and a middle way, Yin-Yang-Unity, Democrats-Independents-Republicans, Communism-Democracy-Socialism, upper class-middle class- lower class, etc...). And it is not that humanity is incapable of creating "larger-than-three" compilations sometimes referred to as a logical formula, the decaying environmental conditions to which humanity is subjected influences the usage of a conservation of quantity and quality in the recurring usage of the environmental exposition. With such in mind, we must ask whether all species incorporate this "drive" to some semblance of perfection within the constraints of their physiology in the niche' of differentiated micro-environments, though we humans can not identify with their expressions? Is this assumed "drive to perfection" a misidentified quality of environmental effect which exists on the atomic level, the genetic level, and that which influences their existence, even though some want to refer to this as a representation of their "god" notion? Irrespective if we have misidentified, mislabeled and misconstrued what is occurring, it is the present atmosphere to which humanity is subjected.

Humanity has a low tolerance for imperfection amongst machines. Machines have to work "right" and in this "rightness" is an unexpressed orientation towards some semblance of perfection. We want our machines to permit us to see further, collect and process more information... ever more the faster. We want machines to help us think, hear and function better than what the so-called perfect god failed to design us with... and about which we wonder why a so-called perfect being would make their "chosen one" with so many flaws. And regardless of the reasons to assist in the concept that this god is perfect and that human imperfections are part of some perfect plan, humans nonetheless seek to improve upon the presumed faulty design by replacing this god's assumed flaws with better functioning machine-like substitutes such as eye glasses, hearing aids, heart pace-makers, etc... We don't like flaws to occur with our mechanical and electrical devices such as cell-phones, television sets, vehicles, production equipment, lighting, etc... We want them to work and at one time took great egotistical pride in being assigned the duty of maintaining such a near-perfect machine. But having to maintenance machines is no longer viewed as an ego-boosting attribute. It too is now seen as a flaw and needs to be improved on by creating machines which can maintenance themselves so that humanity can pursue whatever it wants to.... And yet, it is now recognized that humanity's flaws are directly attributable to a flawed environmental design. The Earth and the Sun are dying, and there is no maintenance program to reset the flaw of decay.

At present, Humanity can't do anything about the environmental flaws to which it is subjected and must strive, as best it can, to reset their own social/governmental programs in an effort to maintain an equilibrium in a decaying environment. But this doesn't stop humanity from seeking to create some semblance of perfection in machine-like apparatus that appear to weather the ongoing incremental sequences of environmental decay better than the biological counterparts, in that they can be fixed and/or improved on... so long as the materials being used are flexible and durable. By using artificial forms of natural events, the human species (including pets, plants and livestock) are tricking their physiology into living in an artificial world inconsistent with the actual reality to which other life forms are exposed, and create both physical and mental conditions which reflect the artificiality and not the reality. For example, an indoor plant may exhibit the patterns of growth consistent with the artificial reality to which it is exposed with an abundance of water and absence of harsh winds and solar irradiation as well as temperature; instead of the patterns which other life forms are subjected to... such as showing growth (tree) rings that are thinner and fruit sizes much smaller than those times in which water was more plentiful and the Sun less harsh than it has become.

Both the artificial and non-artificial environments can be viewed as machine-like models of activity with respect to regularity of effect over an extended period of time. While some may prefer to view the environment as a dynamic and hence organic model of expression, an artificial environment is a dynamic of regularity that can be viewed as an organic process as well. Neither of which are actually "organic" in a biological sense, even if weather patterns may be metaphorically assigned with such a distinction because they appear with the "organic" (living) Earth. However, this analogy is used only because those who use it have not yet encountered the appearance of weather patterns associated with an environment where no life forms (insects, birds, etc.) exist. Nonetheless, we have in our possession some means of distinguishing a difference between the organic and inorganic as well as the biological and mechanical, with different associations possible, such as comparing the organic with the biological and the inorganic with the mechanical. In total, they are pretty simple concepts.

As protestors, we may not regularly find such labeling be attributed to political ideas and ideals even though a case can be made for their usage in different forms. For example, we have the situation where governments treat people as a mechanical or electrical component- extension of themselves by referring to them with impersonal numerical references such as driver's license numbers, telephone numbers, social security numbers, birthdates, etc... Indeed, when we look at the approach of analyzing society to improve it by applying a pronounced "Scientific Sociology", we are in effect engaging in an effort to mechanize our thoughts and activities to create more perfect living conditions. And when we apply such a technique to a government structure that is maintained by those whose maintenance skills are found to be wanting, we necessarily get angry at such a flawed mechanical system. We want it to act in a perfect manner yet the programming in use in imperfect. The imperfection is readily apparent when this presumed mechanical-like governing process attempts to create the idea of perfection in its imperfect image by relegating everyone to being identified by one or more numbers that can be collated more efficiently to coincide with an imperfect program, and thus afford itself a means of concealing its imperfections, like a person putting on a new suit of clothes, buying a new car, new house, new hair-style, new electronic gadget, etc., that is desirable by others who wish to use the same artificialities to conceal their own imperfections by sharing in a delusion... such as exhibiting a presumed democracy.

The U.S., like so many countries, use the word "democracy" as a means of creating the conditions for a delusion which helps to conceal their un-democratic flaws... though democracy is a flawed concept in its own right, just as are Communism, Socialism, Theocracy, Monarchy, Corporatocracy, Dictatorship, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, etc... To such a list we can also add words such as perfection, truth, beauty, justice, hope, peace, life, love, birth, death, etc... They are imperfect attempts to create the image of some perfect representative idea created by an imperfect being who use such concepts to artificialize the decaying environmental conditions to which it is subjected into something that resembles an immutable circumstance... like a person building a home next to a river that offers a source of food and other nourishment, but doesn't take into consideration the possibility of a potential flood, insect infestations, wild animal migrations, lack of protection from human and other animal predators, etc...

Protests typically exhibit a one-sided, two-patterned perspective that may be developed into a three-patterned pseudo-syllogism used to describe an assumed logical assessment that frequently down-grades into a contrasting effect according to a singular view. They expect perfection in a machine-acting government that treats them as a negligible mechanism to be used for its own benefit, but devoid of an ability to make collective or individual corrections in the machine's programming that might better serve the assumed purpose of the machine to enhance the lives of people. It is an assumption coupled with the notion that the government-machine is programmed with the dominant intent to serve the needs of the people, when its actual foremost programming is self-preservation... like a machine trying to make itself into an organism... a living being. Whereas it functions like a machine and strives to resemble an organic image of its maker(s), it often confuses the treatment of citizens as a mechanical extension of itself, while also attempting to maintain an image of humanism by mechanistically offering assistance under the mechanical guidelines of social programs which frequently come to exist more of its underlying flaws... problems with the design which are deteriorating and there is not programming outline to help it correct such degradations.

The people expect perfection from a machine-acting government that tries to give the impression of being an extension of themselves by attributing to itself various garments in the form of social programs... programs which are evidence of an active Socialism, but are being concealed by the falsifications of an unpracticed democracy. The machine-like operational methodology of the government is a type of practiced Communism from the perspective of a "commonism" in a Communalism of effecting the same treatment to citizens defined as equality, though providing selective entitlements to those able to argue their right to excluding themselves from such a practice of commonality because they have reach a stage of higher perfection-like ability than the tabled common throng.

Whereas people don't like imperfection in their machines, they adopt allowances for imperfection if they assign a personal identification there-with. For example, some people will name their vehicles or simply refer to them with a particular gender assignment. The more they come to identify with a machine or machine-like process, the more flaws they may come to allow... or at least permit flaws they readily seen in themselves or those they care about... hence, the degradation of the government and social conditions due to the allowance of more flaws being exhibited by more people... and yet few are recognizing the flaws as an expression of overall environmental decay that we are trying to maintain equilibrium in, like someone grabbing onto a life-raft while heading towards a bottomless waterfall.

Various forms of machine-like cognitive activity take place in law, medicine, anthropology, art, music, police work (suspect, guilty, non-guilty), cleaning one's house (bathroom, bedroom, kitchen... living room/den), garage, wood shed, billfold/purse long-term...pictures/ID, short-term...money/phone number, throw-a-way items), email reviews (remove, keep, read), sentence structure, speech, restaurant ordering (Breakfast, Lunch, Supper), government line queuing (take a number), grocery store checkouts (self-serve, full-serve, minimum order-serve), etc... But in every case, when we personalize... such as with a religious belief, we make allowances for imperfection. This is the case for those who do not see the need for improving a government nor even a species. When people personal an attachment to money, that which allows them to acquire more of it is allowed to have flaws... so long as those flaws are not seen to unduly affect a person or others in a negative way. For example, some people come to identify Capitalism as being good based merely on the assumption that it represents an opposition to both Communism and Socialism, even if its representative practice is designed to promote a given political perspective such as America's Republic form of government that is being described as a Democracy, but is at quite a distance from any such expression in practice.

America's usage of Capitalism is designed to favor its Republic (Representative) form of government, just as other countries use their own models of Capitalism that they think best serves the interests of their government. Needless to say, that multiple forms of Capitalism exist though it is sometimes wrongly defined as referring to as a promotion of private ownership... though in actual practice, there may exist a Communism and/or Socialism. For example, it is said that in America (and else where) that a person can own their own home, vehicle and business, but this is an inaccuracy when the value of that "ownership" is dependent on whether they pay taxes to a government that acts as a long-term leasing agent or landlord. Ownership is dependent on the graciousness of the State who may at any time, given a disposition to effect a "right of eminent domain" or "civil asset forfeiture" clause in the leasing agreement along with an accompanying rationale; may take one's so-called ownership of a given property away from them. And it doesn't matter if one's family suffered multiple losses due to military patriotism, or how many times one pledges allegiance to a National flag, or how dedicated one has been to observing laws, paying taxes and being politically correct. One's very life is owned by the State and can assume ownership at any time to force a person to put up, shut up, or be shut down. America the beautiful has an enormous amount of internalized ugliness when looking past the facade of its outdoor recreational preserves... that millions make undue allowances for because of their variously practiced personalizations thereof. But such is no doubt the case for every country.

Far too many allowances in the government machine are being permitted, to the extent its legislative and judicial maintenance crews are not able to correct the errors nor much less identify many of the social issues being protested about... as symptoms of a larger problem, that can only be addressed effectively if the government machine is replaced with an organic model that can mechanistically align resources towards a goal the will assist in the development of a larger practice of organic flexibility and adaptability leading towards the establishment of a human civilization far from the effects of the present environmental decays. With so many different people trying to force the government to represent their personal ideal of equality.. hence, perfection, a more imperfection social atmosphere has ensued. The more the government try's to humanize itself with artificialized attributes; the less functional it becomes in the sense it loses direction of an overall purpose shared by any majority except for various minority groups from different socio-economic stratums.

However, in addressing this very problematic situation, all of us need to confront the problem with a personal sacrifice of self-interests in order to achieve the establishment of a civilization elsewhere in space, eventually beyond the solar system and galaxy in which we presently abide. In order to accomplish this task, every single person must be provided with the basic needs of living and not have to rely on the charity of various businesses who come to exploit the circumstances by not seeking to render such conditions obsolete. In other words, those organization in the business of charity should be put out of this activity and replaced with a basic income of such resources, including shelter, a living wage, laundry facilities, bathing facilities, education materials and health-care. Seeing as how we are all State-owned, it is time that this ownership matured to effect its full responsibility, and not make the burden of responsibility be on the shoulders of those who are persuaded to think they are fully self-owned... while subjected to various State and Federal methods of defined ownership by creating conditions in which a person's liberty and personal freedoms are tagged, licensed, deeded, contracted, and otherwise leashed... which is an undisclosed two-patterned practice involving a presumed freedom and indentured servitude to various social machines.

The previous comments about the two-patterned solar influence effecting the origination of two-patterned ideas can be cast into the framework of a binary (number aligned) association inter-mixed with both analog-similarity-commonness (e-quality) and digital-dissimilarity-uniqueness (me/you-quality) attributes. In other words, the old "quality represented by quantity" is overlayed with analog characteristics describing individualized descriptions. While this may seem a complicated rendering of a rather simple difference, the point to be made that the "analog" format is the shortened identity of the word "analogy", or comparative similarity, while the word "digital", despite its origin being related to the "digits" (fingers) of one's hands (though each finger can be described with a different name such as pinky, ring finger, middle finger, index finger and thumb), is not a quantity by which a base-system of numbering is derived, such as the base-10 in many number systems... but is not the only base-number system having been used.

The point in the foregoing digression was to highlight the presence of a two-pattern cognitive orientation from its earlier more simple descriptions, is becoming overlayed with various intellectual excursions into patterns-of-three, that are mangled into various two-patterned portrayals that conceal that a developmental change is taking place. For example, Marx and Engels spoke of (two-patterned) Social Class conflicts cast into the framework of Hegel's three-patterned dialectic (Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis), giving the impression that a scientific brand of social analysis was taking place because it could be rendered from an analog "1-1" formula (one side minus/against another side) into a "1 and 1 equals 3" algorithm. However, given the fact that many protestors do not indulge into the realms of intellectualized illustrations of their thoughts, the would-be digital part of their initiated two-patterned protest equation never reaches a blue-printed explication of a further development that may nonetheless show itself in a two-patterned mangled formula of a beginning three-patterned step that might necessarily ensue if they permitted themselves to step outside the box of the thinking conventionalities.

In another way of looking at the two-patterned analog versus digital arrangement, noting that some have already begun looking for a third option; the "digital" represents a one -to- one relationship while the "analog" represents the occasion of a possible one -to- many relationship. The analog "1" represents a small box for one item and the digital "1" (which may be a "0") represents a large box that can, but does not have to house many items referred in context to "discrete units". Nonetheless, it should not be overlooked that the two-patterned configuration of a binary electronic circuit, or that which is representing such a circuit such as a named contrast (hot/cold, government/citizenry, right wing/left wing, yes/no, etc...), are based on a two-pattered environmental event.

The quantities "1" and "2" in a simplified digital format of referencing can be simplified by using the symbols "0" and "1" in an analog format, which takes place in thinking as well. Most people are not aware of such a usage because they are caught up in their cultural traditions which rely on simplistic analog forms of communication which make it difficult to recognize more complex digital arrangements of though they may use, but their social environment (friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors, etc.) does not regularly use a language form of communication in which to acknowledge, convey, nor effectively analyze their instances of using more complex thinking patterns. Whereas many have the capacity to increase their ability of thinking in digital terms, most social encounters rely on simple analog formulas... or replace developing digital forms with simpler analog forms by regulating their comments and thinking to the arrangements of those with whom they are present with, such as a child, uneducated adult, someone steeped deeply in a religious tradition, etc...

Looking at different protest groups as "discrete units" of a numbered but not quantified representation of the recurring influence of a two-patterned environmental event caused by a slowing rotation rate of the Earth and an increasing expansion of the Sun, If the Earth's rotation was the only think being altered, and the Moon was not receding nor the Sun expanding, then the effects of the two-patterned night/day sequence would be all that developmental biology would have to contend with. However, though the length of the day and night are being expanded (lengthened), this event(s) is being overshadowed by the both the effects of the receding Moon affecting tidal behavior, and the Sun whose three "moments" known as dawn-noon-dusk which, in effect, are "fusing" into one "digital moment" thus representing a 3 into 1 "discrete unit". But let's take a look at the word "digital" and "analog" from different perspectives:

(Analogue) in literature, a story for which there is a counterpart or another version in other literatures. Several of the stories in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales are versions of tales that can be found in such earlier sources as Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron and John Gower's Confessio amantis. The French medieval beast fable Roman de Renart has analogues in several languages, including Flemish and German. The word is from the Greek análogon, “to have a relationship” or “proportional.”

Source: "Analogue." Encyclop7aelig;dia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013.

Old Testament history

History is a central element of the Old Testament. It is the subject of narration in the specifically historical books and of celebration, commemoration, and remonstration in all of the books. History in the Old Testament is not history in the modern sense; it is the story of events seen as revealing the divine presence and power. Nevertheless, it is the account of an actual people in an actual geographical area at certain specified historical times and in contact with other particular peoples and empires known from other sources. Hence, far more than with other great religious scriptures, a knowledge of the historical background is conducive, if not essential, to an adequate understanding of a major portion of the Old Testament. Recent archaeological discoveries as well as comparative historical research and philological studies, collated with an analysis and interpretation of the Old Testament text (still the major source of information), have made possible a fuller and more reliable picture of biblical history than in previous eras. For another presentation of Old Testament history, see Judaism.

Early developments

Background and beginnings

The geographical theatre of the Old Testament is the ancient Near East, particularly the Fertile Crescent region, running from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers up to Syria and down through Palestine to the Nile Delta. In this area great civilizations and empires developed and semi-nomadic ethnic groups, such as the Hebrews, were involved in the mixture of peoples and cultures. The exact origin of the Hebrews is not known with certainty, but the biblical tradition of their origin in a clan that migrated from Mesopotamia to Canaan (Palestine) early in the 2nd millennium BCE has analogues in what is known of the movements of other groups in that area and period. There are, moreover, obvious Mesopotamian motifs in biblical cosmogony and primeval history in the early part of the Bible, and Mesopotamian place-names are the obvious bases of some of the personal names of the clan's forebears. Canaanite influences are evident in the Hebrew alphabet, poetry, and certain mythological themes. Linguistic and other similarities with neighbouring Semitic peoples, such as the Amorites and Moabites, are also evident.

Source: "Biblical Literature." Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013.

Robert Foote Bruce (1834-1912)

British geologist and archaeologist, often considered to be the founder of the study of the prehistory of India.

At the age of 24, Foote joined the Indian geological survey, with which he remained for 33 years. After the archaeological survey was established in 1862, he began the first systematic research of human prehistoric remains in India, making the first discovery of hand axes in that country in 1863. Without the benefit of excavation but from surface remains and field observation only, he was able to make a fairly accurate reconstruction of Indian prehistory, naming the major cultural periods Paleolithic, Neolithic, and Iron Age after their European analogues. The Madras Museum, India, purchased his large collection of prehistoric objects in 1903. His Catalogue Raisonné (1914; “Classified List”) and Indian Prehistoric and Protohistoric Artefacts (1916) summarized his years of research and contained his delineation of Indian prehistory.

Source: "Foote, Robert Bruce." Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013.

Digital-to-Analog Conversion (DAC)

Process by which digital signals (which have a binary state) are converted to analog signals (which theoretically have an infinite number of states). For example, a modem converts computer digital data to analog audio-frequency signals that can be transmitted over telephone lines.

Source: "Digital-to-Analog Conversion (DAC) ." Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013.

Note: the two-patterned binary state gets overlayed with a three-patterned configuration, an example of which is seen in the first image below (left to right), and the second image displays the complexity which is possible, but not necessarily made use of or even recognized. It is similar to the difference noted when attempting to use a one or two-patterned genetic code as compared to a three-patterned code which provides the key that helps to unravel the occurrence of different amino acids; in that a two-patterned doublet coding system does not give us the quantity of amino acids which have been uncovered. By switching from a two to a three formula, we have come up with a tool which more clearly reflects reality. (A table is provided at the end of this page).

3 modulations (31K) analog to digital (37K)

The individual (analog) and society (digital)

A number of interrelated problems and issues fall under this heading. What is the place of schools in a just or democratic society? Should they serve the needs of society by preparing students to fill specific social needs or roles, or should they rather strive to maximize the potential—or serve the interests—of each student? When these goals conflict, as they appear inevitably to do, which set of interests—those of society or those of individuals—should take precedence? Should educational institutions strive to treat all students equally? If so, should they seek equality of opportunity or equality of outcome? Should individual autonomy be valued more highly than the character of society? More generally, should educational practice favour a more-liberal view of the relation between the individual and society, according to which the independence of the individual is of fundamental importance, or a more-communitarian view that emphasizes the individual's far-reaching dependence on the society in which she lives? These questions are basically moral and political in nature, though they have epistemological analogues, as noted above with respect to critical thinking.

Source: "Education, Philosophy of." Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013.

While the description of rendering the individual as an analog and society as a digital reference is not part of the original article, making the suggestion that it is possible to view the contrast in such a way may help serve to stir the imagination of some readers to look at social issues from a different perspective, whereby their individual protests take on a larger scope of examining the information they think is being perceived. The usage of such a correspondence in such a regard is not meant to convey the idea that the concept of the individual is less important, is more primitive than the overall society. What is quite evident but perhaps not emphasized enough, is that in our development of a Cenocracy (New Government), just as it was with the case for Marx and Engels, there is a reliance on gathering historical data that covers numerous fields of study... though this is not meant to convey the idea that we readily agree with what is presented, and that we likewise acknowledge that this level of information gathering effort is not typically seen in most protests... because ours is a much larger agenda being sought after. Our intent is in addressing numerous social problems at once through the adoption of a New Government, and not simply nurse-maid symptoms thereof.

A table describing the differences of amino acid quantities to be derived from three different coding values:

Singlet code (4 "words")
Doublet code (16 "words")
Triplet code (64 "words")

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