Cenocracy: A New Government Perspective
A Cenocratic Strategy


We The People want a Cenocracy (A New Government). The present governance strategies (algorithms) are not good enough. We want something better. We want a Cenocratic Strategy which entails the adoption of a Peoples Legislative Branch. A Cenocratic algorithm provides for a greater equalized Redistribution of socio-political power as it should be practiced by a government predicated on the semi-syllogistically formulated Of, By, For The People introductory governing rubric, regardless of how a government may be expressly sub-titled such as with Communism, Democracy, Socialism, etc...

The present Guild system of socio-politics must be dramatically altered, but can only be done when the people become cognizant of the presence of a Guild system and their present lack of membership... unless it is defined in accord with those in positions which can take advantage of their labor:

  • 3 classes to the old guild system

3 divisions to old quild system

These three divisions can be used to illustrate the presence of political guilds in society today:

Alternate Source: Threesology Research Journal

A Cenocratic algorithm reformulates the present "Checks and Balances" design which often leads to varying forms of Executive, Legislative or Judicial obstructionism; that can be defiantly obstinate to the needs of the people who have little effective recourse to force diplomatic resolutions to take place. As is presently practiced, the people have no political clout... even though a government predicated on the slogan of being OF, BY and FOR (all) the people should be the single most force to be reckoned with. Instead, a frustrated public generates an under-current of hostility which periodically erupts in the form of a fanatic's violent exercise of attempting to instill needed changes. Otherwise, the people are left with little recourse but to effect a protest which may formulate a sentiment of Revolution requiring the usage of a rebellion that may entice the hubris (impulsiveness) of youth to engage in various forms of lawlessness called anarchy.

The reformulation of the tri-partite (three-branch) governing structure to include the people as an actively participating trunk, will enable this metaphorically visualized tree to grow and sustain itself more effectively. Historical precedents include the ideas of a (three-branches-with-a-trunk) Tree -of- Life, World Tree and the Scandinavian Yggdrasil tree with its three roots... All of which are reflective items of genealogical interest just as one might want to participate in an historical survey of those roots leading to the ideas of a Communism, Democracy, Socialism, etc...

Visually, one might create the image of:

  • Equality, Justice and Liberty as three roots.
  • The various cultures of a citizenry like a sinous and sinew-ous (multi-corded, inter-laced) trunk.1
  • The Executive, Judicial and Legislative divisions as three branches without meaning to imply that such branches will necessarily contain valuable foliage or fruit.

Alternatively, the trunk may take on an underlying three-laced trunk scaffolding involving the generality of the three racial divisions involving a description of Africans (Africasins), Asians, Caucasians. In such a view, though the three roots can alternatively be idealized as a singular tap root, the rest of the tree has no bases for a solid grounding without them. Likewise, the three branches, though some may practice a bicameral or unicameral system of branching; any such system must itself have a supportive trunk.

While some imaginative horticulturist might visualize a metaphor involving vagaries of design such as that using hydroponics, multi-stocks, branched vines, etc., such intimacies of knowledge involving plant physiology and biology do not reveal a complexity of design possibility which detracts from the stark reality of an available simplicity. While some may prefer to indulge in a game of chess as opposed to checkers, both have the similarity of design involving a board, game pieces and the three diagonal, horizontal, vertical movements of play. Likewise, to transfer the analogy to physics, we find the design of a three-family particle system (stable particles, unstable particles, highly unstable particles), along with three basic particles consisting of electrons, neutrons, protons, and models such as three quarks, three ant-quarks, and length-width-breadth. In short, many subject areas provide additional tri-partite structural formulas. Those studying the "threes" phenomena are aware of this.

"Threes" Phenomena sites:

Book Of Threes
List of Threes in Human Anatomy
Triplicities in Russian Culture
Threesology Research Journal Contents

The branches can not reach for greater heights without a supportive trunk. But the trunk can prosper if the branches are trimmed and thus trained, for better utility, as many a gardener knows. And as many a person knows that when branches too often get in the way, it is the trunk of the tree which might well suffer by way of a decision to kill the tree slowly, or cut it down. But the branches do not typically realize the full effects of their entanglements and how they effect the over-all perception of the tree. And neither do those who make up those branches care much about analogy or metaphor that they would try to contour in a fashion to fit their own inclinations. Nonetheless, the comparison is helpful for some to understand the value being implied by those of us seeking to implement a Cenocracy.

With respect to an historical precedent for the usage of a tree analogy related to governance, we come across a very simple illustration in a phrase attributed to Thomas Jefferson:

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

The "patriots" in the foregoing phrase are those who are loyal to the tyrants. It is necessary to point this out since those who would fight against a tyrant are patriots to a Cause as well. As such, the foregoing phrase might be re-written as:

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and their patriots. It is its natural manure.”

Cenotree (150K)

However, the "tree" metaphor in the context and manner used by Jefferson is rather (out)-dated because of its simplistic representation. As such, we can introduce the usage of a similar metaphor with an expanded complexity that nonetheless is easily understood because the general population of today has a greater literacy than those in Jefferson's time. The image to the right, though keeping the image of generality, is more definitive in today's terms of an intended Cenocracy with a Cenocratic formula. The former "tree of liberty" illustration is now no longer remiss in its exclusion of a needed attendance to the ideas of justice and equality, much less for the inclusion of the people in their own self-Representative Peoples Legislative Branch which will greatly improve the circumstances of a "Separation of Powers" and the "Checks and Balances" Provision... as well as dismiss the "Power of Attorney" role that those in Authority have assumed over the people. The present form of governance give elected officials the notion that they are entitled with such an auxiliary of position. Such a practice must be, if necessary, forcefully removed from their inclined dispositions to effect.

The presently practiced formulas of Democracy in the world have many patriots, only because they are not aware of anything to suggest a better alternative such as a Cenocratic formula of Democracy established by way of an applied Cenocracy. However, there are patriots who become so steeped in tradition that they become habituated to a way of life from which they would not want to be directed away, even if a new way of living was definitively shown to be better. Such patriots may otherwise be hard working, respectful, courteous and viewed as intelligent, compassionate as well as humble. They might well feel as strongly against the adoption of a Cenocracy as you do for it. However, it is not the Cenocratic formula that they are objecting to, but the loss of that most familiar to them. Their life's routine and direction are already mapped out. They do not want to be involved with that which may require them to alter their course and possibly disrupt the meandering flow of their habituations. And yet, the very fact that they would be animate in their objections to a Cenocracy is itself a confession that they are amiable to change. They may fight against a Cenocracy with all their might and to their very last breath, but they and theirs will have already begun to adopt to the eventual change. You can not passionately fight for or against a Cause without being changed. Likewise, you can not effect an attitude of "sitting this one out" without being affected by that going on around you. You will of necessity, have to change accordingly, whether or not the changes are small or quite profound. Little drops of water can create enormous changes over-time when applied to the same exercise over and over and over again.

The patriots of the present formulas of Democracy being practiced around the world— upon first confronting the proposition of a Cenocratic formula of Democracy, will be like subjecting those whose Monarchy dominated life which revolved around a serfdom form of indentured (serfhood) servitude... to a present day "Representative" governing model. No doubt that some in the past would be able to adapt to a present day social environment more readily than others from their own time and place, they nonetheless will have to experience some adjustment in the way they think. Similarly, if those of the present were transplanted into some future time and place where a Cenocratic formula of governance is practiced, they too would be confronted with the necessity of adopting to the prevailing way of thought and all the technological advances that will accompany the change. A patriot whose sense of conscious direction can not see beyond the fingers of present Democracy placed over their eyes as blinders, may find themselves so lost as to invite a distortion of "self" awareness in the unfamiliar terrain, thus precipitating levels of distress requiring mental health intervention. They will be an anachronism caught in a bubble of time from which they be unable to emerge in order to achieve a self-sustaining viability. This, unfortunately, is a downfall to patriotism. One can not be a patriot to that which no longer exists... or is failing to live up to its promises as that now being recognized by former patriots of Democratic formulas which are no longer serving the public, and are instead being fashioned to assist the rich to become more wealthy.

...Thus, the event of a Cenocracy (New Government) is imminent. Now whether the design of a Cenocracy adopts a Cenocratic formula as described at this site, is as yet, still in the stage of conjecture. However, it will nonetheless exhibit, in practice, a morally higher, if not definitively superior value of a "peoples government" that present Democracy's only allude to but do not evince the integrity nor fortitude to exemplify in actuality. No doubt there may be some alterations in accord with the Will of the people, the present formula of Democracy is on its way out. Its patriots are just not cognizant of this reality as yet. They still think they are immune from change, and exercise their self-serving brand of Democracy with impunity. It is an arrogance that has brought so many nations to their knees as the last vestige of seeking some omniscient intervention so that they might persist in subjecting others towards surrendering themselves to their nonsense... a value whose expressed Democracy is a greatly diminished character of a Cenocratic profile.

While many people realize we need a Cenocracy, they are not necessarily as certain as to which kind should be used, since all the alternatives they are familiar with, appear to have their own problems and none seem to be extraordinarily better than that which they presently have. This is because they are as yet unfamiliar with a Cenocratic formula. The word "Cenocracy" is not a concept or even word being taught in Universities, much less part of educated house-hold conversations. Many have heard of Communism, Democracy, and Socialism, but the Word "Cenocracy" is not in their vocabulary. While we have a Democracy, or at least some variation of what some may refer to it as, we need a Cenocracy (New Government) practiced with a Cenocratic model of Governance.

This model entails the adoption of a "Peoples Legislative Branch", though one might well refer to it as a "Peoples Legislative Trunk" in keeping with the foregoing tree similarity and its functionality; consisting of three randomly chosen individuals from every State, who have elected themselves to participate in the collectively assigned random selectivity. The three individuals will consist of one man, one woman, and one worker. The Peoples Legislative Branch will be an active conduit between the people and the other Branches of government. This branch, this trunk of the government will have at its disposal, a means to veto, nullify, accept, amend, or create legislation, submitted by any citizen, that the people themselves can vote on and decree as the law of the land. This ability will stem from the Right of the people to exercise their collective Will, through a Cenocratic process of Referendum, in having the government they want.

Since some people will want to use the processes of the present government because they are familiar with those processes, those processes are in fact retained... at least to the point of experienced functionality that must, however, interact with an additional attribute called the Peoples Legislative Branch. The function of the Peoples Legislative Branch/Trunk, will be like that of an arbitrator who wields the power of imposing its own Will on any decision, indecision or absence thereof because governments are not omniscient, omnipresent, or omnipotent... and can frequently exhibit a functionality of omnishambles. Such an established precedent will be a major shift of power in social politicization. Those arguing for the retention of governing processes as they are and rejecting the adoption of a Cenocracy with a Cenocratic governance strategy, may no doubt raise multi-various objections. Those presently in authoritative power may not like a Redistribution of socio-political power that provides the Collective Will of the People to be a formalized practice of governance which wields an ability of being greater than theirs.

Confronting such objections, whether actual or supposed, will require a strategy of counter-point. That is, after a strategy is implemented to establish the social recognition of a Cenocracy and Cenocratic formula. A strategy of advertising is needed. How does one get a new idea across to become a presence of mind in all the different enclaves a large nation is home to? Does one use television and radio, or books and magazines? Does one take out ads in newspapers, or stand on street corners with a placard? Does one go door to door with leaflets or brochures, or walk through parking lots putting messages beneath windshield wipers? And though the options seem multiple, let us approach it from the perspective that one's monetary resources are limited. What then? Though a web page may permit a means to "think out-loud", so to speak, is it really that effective in getting an idea across? No less, so what if a pager counter indicates that you have a million or so viewers, this doesn't mean they have any interest in your idea (product), even if it is freely given out. Nor may they even remember what your idea is about. So what do you do? It is a question being pondered by many who are trying to increase public attention to their idea... their product, whatever it may be.

We also have the situation where a person may be interested in your "product", but don't really care to be a participating "customer". For example, a person might buy a book on a history of biology, but they don't want to be an active biologist. Such is the same for a socio-political idea. A person may like an idea, study the idea, and speak about it with others, but they may have no interest in actively participating in an advertising campaign, however it is structured or so named. In the present context of discussion, one name is referred to as a protest. For example, while many people said they agreed with those involved in the Occupy "Movement", they could not see themselves walking-in-mass at a protest rally. Particularly when there was no explicitly stated problem and resolution being publicly offered on which the public could supportively focus. Though the Occupy protests were actually well-intentioned, the "Movement" sprang up by way of impulsivity brought on by personal experiences of economic deprivation, that did not generate a shared practical economic solution. Without such a presentation, the very many practical-minded people in the public were at a loss of how to help. While the public could sympathize and some could directly empathize, they all needed an architectural draft to assist in the construction of a resolution. You can not expect a practical-minded person to become all bubbly with emotional impulsivity just because you think they should be supportive of you in a like-manner of protestation.

While the usage of protest was a means to bring attention to a wide-spread economic problem, and some of us whose inclinations are sincerely oriented towards developing a better social order still think of and discuss the "Occupy Event" in relation to itself or something else; the energy of the protest has been misdirected, misplaced, or completely lost, though there are those who were not cognizant of its occurrence at all. Some people were so busy in their lives they didn't listen to, watch, or read the news, and neither their co-workers, family members, relatives, or those they encountered talked about the Movement. They were oblivious of its presence. And yet, it has served as a good example for the here and now, though upon reading this page, they might not know what I'm talking about. Still, it represents an advertising strategy even if the 'message' (the product) was not bought into. Many people sampled its offering and either found it distasteful, disagreeable, and disreputable... or found it to be an item one might describe as an "acquired taste", acceptable, or appealing... though other variations of sight and sound are attributable just as some people like to smell and use sight as a means of determining choice.

In terms of re-presenting an old idea when no new ideas are available or are much too costly to bring to market, such as the production of a book; an old book might well be repackaged with a different title or cover. It may also be re-listed in a different genre at the whim of some editor or seller. Advertisers can use a variety of tricks, called gimmicks, which are lies. Such an atmosphere of lying has become so pervasive that to not engage in a similar behavior might find the person as being suspected of doing something suspiciously wrong. If you don't engage in a habit of lying in a culture where lying is not only acceptable but expected, someone might think there is something wrong with you, or are practicing some religious tenet. Unless of course you aren't lying as a way to express some sort of rebelliousness. It is so unconformist to not conform to that which was once an unconformity but has now become the standard conformity... like those who had initially adopted a life-style of exhibiting tattoos and owning a pit-bull. For some, it is now a practice of conformity to an act once considered an unconformity. Such was the case for Christianity and Democracy as well.

But a Cenocratic formula is not considered an act of unconformity, because it isn't being considered as a "living, breathing and procreating" conception. It has not yet reached the stage of being defined as an anti-establishment, anti-social, or any other anti-ness... without which a dichotomy no socially equivalent (X, XX, XXX) trichotomy can evolve. It can't be referred to as an anti-democracy, anti-religion or anti-capitalism entity of sophistication. However, it is an anti- anti-government of the people, and is thus set in opposition to many an established social governing practice. It is for the people and against those who want a government which minimizes the effectiveness of the people in having a government that truly practices an Of, By and For the people program of self-governance. In such a presentation it is a contention, even a threat, to established establishments.

If we view the usage of protest as a viable advertising strategy, like all advertising strategies, the place, timing and modeling must be taken into consideration. And let us not forget that advertising is as much an art as it is a science, though some might care to interject the notion of religion as well; since all three can be used as a complement to one another. And though the usage of dancing, singing and over-paid celebrity endorsements are sometimes viewed as a hopeful guarantee of increased sales, viewers themselves may not mimic the antics used in the advertisement. Likewise, as mentioned previously, those viewing a protest on television may not be persuaded into directly protesting themselves, though they do buy-into the product being sold. Attempting to sell a new form of social governing strategy is much more difficult when social conditions are relatively stable. Carrying out a social protest defined as a Revolution is much easier when social conditions have produced long periods of social distress... though one might think that the wide-spread and deep Depression in the 1930's would have brought about a toppling of the U.S. government. Hoover and his compatriots made a mess of things that Roosevelt and his tried to repair. Repairs for which some have aided and abetted problems and resolutions thereto, to this day.

The typical wording used for wanting a better government is to call for a "change" and the typical maneuver is to replace one political candidate with another... and yet this strategy has proven time and again to be flawed. Yet, like some production line robot, the people do the same thing resulting in the same consequences. Creating circumstances which stop the production and thus requiring a re-tooling, either because of a change in product, law or environmental/social situation; is that which affords a new idea an opportunity to be considered and applied. But, a protest can have the consequence of creating a negative appeal if it should unnecessarily interfere with conditions which are interpreted not to warrant either a consideration of a new idea or to avail oneself for taking part in that which may appear to be more disruptive than having any overall usefulness.

Conventionally used protest strategies incorporate a "take a short-cut" mentality. Like someone abandoning a trail laid-out by a sidewalk or road, they choose to turn into an alley, if not some public building with an opposite-ended entrance and exit. Many people establish their own short-cuts to be taken in one or another efforts to reduce an application of time and energy expended on a given task, though they may then engage in another task making the overall duration and expenditure of time and energy more lengthy and more involved. Taking short-cuts in some efforts is called cheating, stealing, and even hoarding. Consumers are regularly cheated by those wanting to sell less product for the same price asked in return for more money, or to request more money for the same product or quantity. Variations are likewise tried such as trying to sell a name-brand product once made of greatly desired and admired materials, that may be later sold with materials of poorer quality and reliability. Workmanship is another area that may be alternatively altered in an attempt to reduce costs and increase profits. This is the present situation the people are faced with concerning their present consumption of that called Democracy as a dominant principal of government design and practice.

It is not Democracy that is the problem. However, it is packaged in a misleading design and has been contorted to fit within the package, yet operate functionally different than that which it claims. The packaging and the design are a lie. But in a culture where lying is made into an accepted standard of expectation as an expression of normalcy, the lie is viewed as a truth. It is true because it is a lie. It is a contorted logic that is inclined to misinterpret all perceptions. Even mathematics can be molded into the framework, as many a tax preparer has exercised by way of "fudging the numbers" in order to pay less tax and/or get a larger refund... and some may accept as: "While numbers may not lie, liars can number... and use their numbering system influentially."

Taken at face value, the word "Democracy" is a two-part structure consisting of "Demo" representing the word "people", and "cracy" as a suffix representing the word "rule", that is alternatively interpreted to represent the word "government". Hence, a "Democracy" means a "People Rule" or "People Government", that frequently has been elongated into the definition of either "a people's government", or "a government of the people". Unfortunately, this word does not directly afford us with a definition described as "a government that is Of, By and For the People", nor provide us with a definitive representation of what is meant by the word "people". In the present governing structure, as practiced, the word "people" minimizes the effectiveness of the majority to the actions of a minority through a rationalization, posed as being logical, by way of defining the governing structure in terms of a "Representative" government. It is an advertising gimmick that has been used for generations.

The word "Cenocracy" likewise is a compilation of two meanings, the first of which is the prefix "Ceno" meaning "New" or "Recent", such as the word "Cenozoic", and the suffix "cracy", noted before as meaning "rule" or "government". Hence, it means "New Government". If we attach the prefix "Ceno" to the word "Democracy", we come up with "Cenodemocracy", or "Ceno-Democracy", meaning "a new peoples government". The two-part label is thus transformed into a three-part label, as if growth through a metamorphosis can now be better understood because it has acquired a means by which its realization can be analyzed, discussed and nurtured... as well as achieve an individualized identity. An identity whereby present democracy and its standards can mature beyond the indentured servitude it is presently subjected to... because the greater populace will be set free. In a sense, a Cenocratic Declaration for Greater Independence is an Emancipation Proclamation!

Granted that such a realization will, at first, be difficult to appreciate because of the long years of enslaved ideas with which the present cultures of the world have assimilated into all so many observances and ceremonies; once it does takes hold, there will be a celebration of heart, mind and soul that only the idea of a sustained "Eureka!" moment might be best at describing. Such a level and type of freedom will take time to get used to. It will take time to be inter-meshed into traditions of thought which have adhered to types of ideological enslavement that were, for the most part, unrecognized as anything but natural, normal, and natively logical without need of compromise or circumspection. It is a slavery to which we have been born into and rely on for everything we know and believe in. No doubt the young will have an easier transition, though some young, because of close family and inter-family connections which are steeped into chasm-like traditions of presently practiced Democracy may be forced to abide by family traditions... while some of those in the older generations be those who light a torch for others because they still retain a youthful spirit of adventurism.

Growth of a people requires a strategy for the future. A government that does not, and does not share this strategy in terms that can be both understood and agreed upon by the larger populace, is destined to encounter protest and even Revolution. Those who are impulsive because they have an intuitive grasp of that which a Cenocratic formula represents in microcosmic, echo-like or shadow-like terms, may resort to the usage of some expediency to bring it about. They want a short- cut to that which someone might describe as an illumination, a re-birth, the emergence from a cacoon, and other inferences of transcendence. It is a feeling, a realization so over-whelming that they acknowledgedly found speechless in an to give description to a state of affairs in which the manifestation might unfold if an entire nation experienced the same impressions simultaneously. Such an exodus from here towards the future may not occur by small steps nor leap frogging or hop-scotched intervals, but distances surpassing any known previous achievement. And once achieve, the humanity of today may well be viewed as being distant in time as the earliest of our biological history.

Like a journey to the New World made by Christopher Columbus, though there were years of previous consideration and his own efforts to convince authority to invest in their own future; once the journey of the three ships began, there was no going back. And despite all the hardships for navigating a new course, the efforts of exploration continued and were adopted by others. A Cenocratic formula is the idea of a passage to a new perspective, a better way of life; though like Columbus, that which is being described and sought for may come to be replaced with an even larger realization... a whole new unknown continent waiting to be explored, but is being hidden as much by fear of the unknown and practice of traditions, as it is by assumptions of truth and reality supported by the accepted mathematics of today that is developed by those mathematicians who ingratiate themselves with current social and political views like wearing an acceptable social attire. Humanity is at such a threshold of discovery being called a Cenocracy. And contrary to some opinions that an adoption thereof will plunge us over some ledge of established rationality, humanity will not fall off the edge of its presently adopted and practiced democratic sanity... it did that a long time ago. It's time we threw ourselves a rope and pull ourselves up onto firmer ground. Practicality does not have to exist with imagination, a Cenocracy will permit more of both.


Note: The usage of the word "multi-corded" might be described by some as referencing multi-color, multi-racial, multi-ethnicity, etc., alternatively denoted as eclectic, multi-tasking, multi-creative, multi-talented, a jack of all trades, multi-lingual, inventive, etc...

(Above tree image was adapted from this page: www.calybennett.com/pages2/civics.html)

Date of Origination: Sunday, January 11, 2015 3:14 AM
Date of initial posting: Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Updated Posting: Thursday, 3rd May 2018... 7:22 AM